Look On The Bright Side
Look On The Bright Side
31: It's Time I Talked About My Mental Health
Talking about my mental health has been something I really wanted to do but continuously got overwhelmed when it was time to record. I'm ready to talk about it now. This conversation will be lengthy so I've decided to dedicate a 5 episode series just on my mental health and therapy.
Listen to all of the Episodes in my Mental Health Series
- Ep 31 - It's Time I Talked About My Mental Health (listen)
- Ep 32 - I Need Therapy... Here's Why (listen)
- Ep 33 - I Told My Mom I Need Therapy ft My Mom (listen)
- Ep 34 - Here's How I Found My Therapist (listen)
- Ep 35 - This Is What My First Therapy Session Was Like (listen)
- Ep 36 - Am I Healed Now Or Do I Still Need Therapy? (listen)
What are you most looking forward to in my Mental Health series?
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Hello everyone. Thank you for tuning into the Jenell B. Stewart podcast. I am your host Jenell B. Stewart and award winning beauty editor. The Jenell B. Stewart podcast is a weekly lifestyle podcast designed to educate, empower, and engage episodes, touch on various topics of our lives, including health and fitness, loving marriage, entrepreneurship, parenting, self love, and much more. My goal is to have youth feeling uplifted and inspired after you listen to each episode.
Hello. Hello. Hello. Welcome to episode 31 hey y'all. It's your girl Jenell B Stewart. I know it's been a minute. My last podcast episode was January 2nd and that episode I talked about, I did like a recap of 2018 and then I shared with you like my impossible goal of becoming a millionaire and what I plan to do and what not. And I've been away for a while. You know, working on my school. That's part of the goal to become a millionaire is to grow my school and have my school develop and become something that will help to support my community, my community of women. Um, if this is your first episode that you've ever heard of me of mine, then um, let me just take one second to tell you that I am the founder of the digital content creation school and I started this school in December of 2018 as a way to help content creators that are coming up. Like I did get the support that they need and get the tools because content creation is a field that many people create on their own. We're not necessarily going to college for it, we're not getting degrees in it, but we typically are self taught and I wanted to help speed up that process of elevation for my members by giving them the tools that they need to figure it out.:
Whether you're doing a blog, whether you're doing a youtube channel, a podcast, or selling online materials like an ebook or a course. I wanted to make sure that my community had those tools and I knew that they wanted it because they were asking me for it. So I already had that available to me to know like there is a need. And so I just aim to deliver and I have a very giving spirit as you guys know. So creating this new business venture felt right. It felt, it fell in li
Hello everyone. Thank you for tuning into the Jenell B. Stewart podcast. I am your host Jenell B. Stewart and award winning beauty editor. The Jenell B. Stewart podcast is a weekly lifestyle podcast designed to educate, empower, and engage episodes, touch on various topics of our lives, including health and fitness, loving marriage, entrepreneurship, parenting, self love, and much more. My goal is to have youth feeling uplifted and inspired after you listen to each episode.
Jenell:Hello. Hello. Hello. Welcome to episode 31 hey y'all. It's your girl Jenell B Stewart. I know it's been a minute. My last podcast episode was January 2nd and that episode I talked about, I did like a recap of 2018 and then I shared with you like my impossible goal of becoming a millionaire and what I plan to do and what not. And I've been away for a while. You know, working on my school. That's part of the goal to become a millionaire is to grow my school and have my school develop and become something that will help to support my community, my community of women. U m, if this is your first episode that you've ever heard of me of mine, t hen u m, let me just take one second to tell you that I am the founder of the digital content creation school and I started this school in December of 2018 as a way to help content creators that are coming up. Like I did get the support that they need and get the tools because content creation is a field that many people create on their own. We're not necessarily going to college for it, we're not getting degrees in it, but we typically a re self taught and I wanted to help speed up that process of elevation for my members by giving them the tools that they need to figure it out. Whether you're doing a blog, whether you're doing a youtube channel, a podcast, or selling online materials like an ebook or a course. I wanted to make sure that my community had those tools and I knew that they wanted it because they were asking me for it. So I already had that available to me to know like there is a need. And so I just aim to deliver and I have a very giving spirit as you guys know. So creating this new business venture felt right. It felt, it fell in line with what I was looking to do as a content creator who was moving out of the youtube space. And being that I'm an educator, I have my masters in education. It also fell in line with something that I'm passionate about. And I also feel for those of you who are are religious like I am, I feel like teaching is my gift. Let me know if you agree that you agree. Like teaching is my gift. I was so successful at youtube because of the fact that my videos were educational, right? And when I got to the point where I felt like there's nothing left to teach anyone, I started transitioning out of tutorials and product reviews and I wanted to share the message of other people. But sharing the message of other people wasn't exactly fulfilling to me in the way that I thought it would be. And so I decided to leave like the natural hair, youtube space and I went into this, this content space and that's been occupying my time. Now I've been wanting to come back to make another youtube. I'm sorry, I'm on so many platforms guys that I tend to like say youtube when I'm talking about podcasts or I'll say watch when I'm like on a podcast. So forgive me if I like mix up the words. But I've been wanting to come back and make a podcast for a while and I've been inspired to do it by my loves. Obviously you all inspire me so much to keep making content and to keep, you know, supporting you all through my own personal experiences. And so the idea of coming back to make podcast episodes was overwhelming because I'm working really hard at building my new business. And as of today, I have over 1200 members in my school. Many of those members are enrolled in my school on a, you could call it a scholarship basis, where I basically created programs and welcomed my community in for free. Call me Mother Theresa, call me stupid. I don't know. And then I have a bunch of, um, hundreds of members of that 1200 that are actually in paid programs. So this requires a lot of my time. And podcasting is something that I fell in love with after listening to many podcasts. And I love the idea of being able to just talk. I mean, you guys know if you watched my youtube videos that I had the most fun when I made videos where I could just have a girl chat and the videos that I had, I enjoyed the least were videos that I needed to make, um, that I needed to create quickly. Like not, not create quickly in the sense of I had to get them up fast. I mean those short videos that are straight to the point where it's just like watch everything I do in one second or less, put it all together and it makes a video about it, makes the video about two minutes and then I'm done. Really, no conversation, just a voiceover. Those videos I hated making because I didn't feel like I was connecting with my audience in the way that fulfilled me. Right. It's all about fulfillment when you make content. And so for that reason I loved podcasting cause I'm like, wow. Like people are just having conversations, like they're just talking, it's a girl chat or sometimes it's educational, sometimes just informative, you know, inspiring, whatever. And that's why I fell in love with podcasting, but it began to be feel overwhelming because sometimes I just kind of felt like I was rushing to get the episode over just to put it out. And I don't want to do that. So I was asked to talk about my mental health and the fact that I go to therapy and I want to create a series so that I can bring these videos, these episodes. I was about to do it again. I'd say videos. I could bring these episodes to you in a way that would be quicker, making it less of a commitment to create them. Um, and you know what I say quicker because in my mind I feel like if I have one episode talking about everything one, I probably won't. It won't be a focused podcast too. If I talk about just one thing, I won't be talking about it for as long and three it'll probably be easier for someone who is listening to hear it broken up because there's so many pieces to me going to therapy. So I've outlined five episodes in a series and this idea was inspired today actually today as I'm recording the episode, which is June 29th of 2019 it was inspired by Myleik of the Myleik podcast because she created a summer refresher and she talked about, you know, similar to me, she's a mom and she's an entrepreneur and she's not been able to make podcast episodes for about the same amount of time as me and she wants to come back and she figured she would do a series of episodes that she could probably commit to from now until the fall. And I was like, that's such a smart idea because here I am like avoiding making podcasts because of the overwhelm of, of the task. But doing it in a series definitely feels more possible. It feels like I can, it's more tolerable. It's something that I think I can absolutely handle. And overall knowing that my audience loves my podcast and wants me to talk about my mental health, it just made sense. So it was perfect alignment that I listened to that episode today and I was inspired to relaunch my podcast. Well not relaunch, but make some new episodes and also talk about my mental health, which I've been asked to do so many times. So in this episode I am going to break down what's gonna come up. So in episode one I'm going to talk about the fact that I needed therapy and, and discuss why I felt I needed that. And I'm going to be raw and honest discussing what it, what led me there. Because a lot of people, um, who think about therapy tend to think about, um, like really difficult times or like a traumatic experience that causes someone to, to need therapy. Whereas my situation wasn't that at all. Actually I wouldn't call my situation traumatic, like a rape or a murder or like PTSD where you're in a very traumatic experience like, like the army or in war I, you need to talk to somebody. You know, I don't have those types of issues at all. And typically that's what people think. You know, you need therapy for like you're battling some diamond or whatever. And I wasn't and I'm not. So in episode one I'll be talking about why I need therapy. I'll explain it in raw detail, what led me to needing that. And then in episode two, I'm going to talk about what happened when I told my mom I needed their puppy. That's going to be a funny conversation, and I'll also share in that episode what happened when I told my husband in episode three, I want to discuss finding my therapist and how I went about doing that. Because when I shared my mental health experience on social media, which I've done, I've shared this on my Instagram and I've also re posted my Instagram posts on, my blog on JenellBStewart.com when I shared my experiences there a lot of people that DMd me privately, they asked about like, how did you find your therapists? And, you know, how did you know she was the right one or whatever. So I'll talk about that in episode three. In episode four I'm going to talk about what my first therapy session was like just to give you, just to give like a real life view of from my perspective. And you guys know I'm very detailed. So I hope to, I hope for that episode to help make it kind of clear like what it could look like and be like for you. And in episode five I will discuss and answer the question about whether I'm still in therapy. And in that episode I'll, I'll go over why I decided to continue with therapy. Um, did I, did I get healed from my situation? You know what I was going through. Do I feel like I still need it? You know, that kind of stuff. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to, it's going to be my mental health series. I'm actually gonna record some of the episodes like right after this one. So it's very likely that you may get them back to back or I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to roll them out, but I'm inspired to create them. I'm looking forward to creating them and I hope that you're looking forward to listening to them as well. So I would love to know what your overall, your overall expectations are, how you're feeling. Obviously you can, you can let me know, like live, you can actually share with me your excitement or what you're most looking forward to. In fact, I would love that if you can share with me what you're most looking forward to from this series. I would love that. Um, I'm on Twitter so you can do it there. I'm on Instagram as you guys know. You could do it there. You could do it in your Instagram stories. I'm also on Facebook. You could do it there as well. And um, or you can just email me privately atJenellbStewart@gmail.com. It's completely up to you, but I am looking forward to it. I want to um, make sure I touch on any points that are relevant to those of you who are interested in knowing. So even though I am going to record some episodes right after this, I would be open to doing like a Q and a. So after you listened to the episode or during the episodes, if you would take the time to actually messaged me, you can email at podcast@jenellbstewart.com or of course you can just hit me up in a DM on social media if that makes it easier. Either way, I'm open to which with which method works better because my overall goal is to make it convenient for you so that you can actually do it. And what I ask in return for those of you who are excited to tune in is to let more people know about my podcast. Obviously I've been away for awhile and as a result, there's probably people that forgot that I make podcasts or there's a bunch of people that don't know and maybe this conversation around mental health, we'll be able to help someone else. And so I would love if you could do me a solid by sharing that. I'm going to be doing a mental health series and letting everyone know I'm sharing the link. If you're watching, if there I go again watching, if you're tuning in directly on apple, the podcast app, you know iTunes, you can share that link. And if you're listening from another location that my podcast is streamed through right now, I'm using buzzsprout. I used to use soundcloud, but now I'm using Buzzsprout. So if you're listening from Buzzsprout, then of course you can share the link there, especially if you don't have an iPhone or an apple device. So yes, welcome to the mental health series where I talk about my therapy experience. I'm looking forward to getting, having these conversations with you. And I'm definitely forward to seeing what your responses are. I'm coming up as, as you listen to each episode, I'm, if you have not subscribed to this podcast, please do. And I would love if you could leave me a review. I know that this episode might not exactly be review worthy, but if you've listened to other episodes and you've never left me a review, you could absolutely do that. But I'm patient too, right? If you wait till the next couple of episodes and you get a feel of it and then you want to leave me a review, I'm cool with that. Although I would love a review cause instant gratification is like gold, right? And we love to feel good. So I would love a review. Five stars, please if you loved it. And yes. So I will see you guys in the next podcast episode. Bye for now.