Look On The Bright Side

50: Getting Others To Recognize Your Value

Jenell B. Stewart | Award Winning Editor| Educate, Empower and Engage

Welcome to the 3rd episode in my Cultivating Your Value theme. If you missed the first episode, check it out here, then go ahead and check out the 2nd episode here

Today we are discussing how to get others to recognize your value. While it is definitely more important for you to recognize your own value, if you are building a new business or looking to get ahead in your career you will need to get others to recognize your value. Here's  how you do it.


  • Shownotes (here)
  • 4 Archetypes Freebie (here)
  • Get On Their Radar Prep School (apply here) - if you are accepted to the prep school, you will be sent the details on how to enroll for FREE. I'm accepting applications for a limited time so apply right away. This training is for those with the heart, the talent, and the passion to win. This really isn’t for someone who’s lurking behind the scenes living in fear. During our working group you will be putting my strategies into action. Thus the application is mandatory.
  • Missed my "Start Before Your Ready Series?" (listen here)

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to the general. Be sore podcast. I am your host and I'll be Stuart and award winning business coach, keynote speaker and content creator. The Gin L. B. Stuart podcast is designed to educate and power and engage. My goal is to have you feeling uplifted, inspired and empowered after you listen to each episode. Welcome to Episode 50 and today's episode. I'm going to talk to you about how to get others to recognize your value. Now we are still in my cultivating your value. Siri's. If you missed the first episode, that would be Episode 48 and in that episode I talked to you about how to understand your true value, and I discuss how as a business coach, I'm meeting so many creators who want to start new platforms, and they have new business ideas, but they themselves don't recognize their value, and they don't believe in themselves. I gave you lots of pointers and lots of suggestions on how I go about recognizing my value and how I go about believing in myself so that you can do the same. And then, in Episode two of the Series I, which was episode 49 called How to best Express Your Value in this one. I discuss the four archetypes that you can use to help you discover how you can turn your passion into a sustainable career. And in that episode, I really broke down what Cathy Heller discusses in her book. Don't Keep Your Day Job. It was a great conversation. Got lots of great feedback on that episode, and today we're moving into how to get others to recognize your value. Now getting others to recognize your value is not as important as you recognizing your own value, but in your career and or, as you are building a new business for yourself like I did, you will need to get others to recognize your value. Okay, so it's not like the end all be all. But I don't want you to think that it isn't somewhat important and that you should work towards getting others to recognize your value dependent on what it is that you're trying to do. But this is an empowerment podcast, right? And I do discuss things that will support you in life and in business, and getting others to recognize your value can boost your profile. It can also increase brand awareness. It can help your business grow. And if you work the traditional job, getting others to recognize your value can set you up for a raise, a promotion or even both. So today I'm going to give you some advice on how to get others to recognize your value. You can use all of them or some of them. And I do want you to figure out how you can imply these to your life, especially given the examples that I'm going to give you a ready. Okay, so the first thing I want you to do is be fearless. Now, in my journey that I've shared with you many times, I discuss how I started my business with no understanding. I didn't have any insight. And in my start before you're ready. Siri's not sure if you listened to that, but if you did not listen to my start before you're ready, Siri's, um you can check that out in episodes 44 45 46 47. Okay, that is where I discuss starting before you're ready. And I go more into detail about how I started my business and how I didn't have much background. Now just recap it. I wanted to create a space where I could share my natural hair journey as I was learning to love myself with this new hairstyle. Um, you know, it's really difficult to love yourself when, um you're not feeling confident, right? So I cut off all my hair, and I was looking kind of masculine, and I had never seen myself with such a short hairstyle before. And it wasn't like a cute pixie cut where it was, like, straight. And it looks like Toni Braxton back on the day like this was straight up, boy, right? So I wanted to create a space where I could share this journey, but at the same time, I wasn't necessarily feeling is feeling as confident as I needed to. Um, I also didn't have any experience. So there's a lack of confidence when you don't know enough about a topic as well. So But I needed to be fearless, right? I needed to. I kind of like I needed to to now all the noise, all you're not pretty anymore. You look like a boy. You don't know what you're doing. Other people can do this. You don't have to be the one to do that. I had to basically to now all that noise in order to be able to step into my greatness, right? I knew what I didn't know and I knew what I needed to know because of what I didn't know. And so I began doing the research and working towards building my brand. And I talk about this in my start before you're ready. Siri's okay. I knew that my value lied in my ability to support others. And I knew that even though I didn't have all of the tools and I wasn't feeling the most beautiful, that my story would help others. And I was fearless in that I wanted to move forward and push forward without having everything 100% perfect, right? You know, So months in, I started to see that I was picking up some speed, getting some readers here and there, and I started making my YouTube channel. Now, in addition to my blawg, and of course, I wanted to at some point monetize my business. I wanted to grow my business financially, so I needed to get the attention of brands, right? But why would they work with me if they don't know me? So this is a perfect example of where I had to get someone else to recognize my value. And so I needed to get on the radar of the brands I really wanted to work with, like Shay Moisture, Carol's daughter, Miss Jessie's. And at the time, also, there was Jane Carter and can to There weren't that many yet, but those were the main ones I needed to get their attention, and if I wanted to get their attention, I was going to have to help them see my value because they don't know me. They don't know me from anywhere. So I started to get on their radar by creating opportunities where they could see my work. I would go to the store, I would buy their products. I would do a review on their products and I would put it on my YouTube channel. I would take a pictures of their products in my hair and I would take photos of myself with their products in my hair. I mean, and I would put those photos on my block um, when I finally did sign up for Instagram, cause at first, when I started my block, I wasn't on instagram. I don't even think it was around to be exact, but I would start doing the same on my INSTAGRAM, and the's brands weren't necessarily on instagram. But what I was doing was creating a space where my audience of readers, viewers, watchers, would be able to learn about their product through me. And this is how I was getting on their radar. And so if you desire getting the attention of brands, and you either don't have, don't have a sizable following yet, and you don't feel like you can actually express your value to them yet because you're so you're following is too small. Or maybe you don't feel confident in reaching out to them because they themselves are such a big company, right, whatever it is, whatever the intimidation is, if you desire getting the attention of brands, I want to invite you to apply for my get on the radar training. Um, I know how it feels to like to to be a small fish in a big ocean and want to make make a name for yourself, but just not know how. And so I'm giving back, and I've been running this training since October, and it's one of my most popular training's, um, it's a free training, and it's designed to help you uncover your hidden potential so that you may highlight them and ultimately use it to get the attention of the brands that you really want to work with. So I invite you to apply. You confined the details for the application form I get on the radar prep school training below this podcast, and we do have an open enrollment so you can apply, and it takes us a few days to go through the applications. But every couple of days we go through the applications, and we review to see if, based on your application, if we feel like you would be a great fit for the program, and if you are, in fact, a great fit for the program will send you an acceptance letter and then you'll go through the training. The training is actually pretty quick. You can do the training all in one day if you choose to. Some people do it over a couple of days. There's three lessons, two of them you do on your own, and one we do together. So go ahead and apply from I get on the radar training. It's my prep school training. If this is something that you want Okay. So for me, once I learned how to get on the radar of these brands by expressing my value to them and also to my community, I was really able to take my business to the next level. So I want you to think about how being fearless allowed me to get out of my own way. It allowed me to create something for a community that needed it. And it allowed me to partner with brands. How can you use the How can you step out and be fearless? To help others t get others to recognize your value? I want you to think about that. What could you be doing that you've been afraid to d'oh or you have fear of when you think about it? It makes you shake in your boots. What could you be doing? Okay, so the next thing I want to share with you is I want you to exercise your value through service. Okay, In the last episode, Episode 49 I talked about the four archetypes, and if you remember the four rolls you can take to turn your passion into a sustainable career was the creator. The creator is someone who actually makes a product or service they offer to the world, and people pay them for it. The teacher, the teacher self explanatory, teaches others how to do something or make something. The curator is someone who facilitates a community where people who share a common passion can come together. And lastly, the investigator, someone who dedicates time to exploring a topic that really interests them. But they don't necessarily want to teach it. They don't want to create anything from it. They kind of wanna used the information that they find and deliver that to the world. So if you missed that episode, Episode 49 make sure you check it out. I also have a freebie where I basically created this beautiful download for you of those four archetypes. So if you want that, I'll put it in the in the show notes of this episode as well, so you can click it and get it and it breaks down the archetypes. And it's also like a workbook. So it goes along with with the with episode 49 so that after you've learned about the archetypes, you can then go and try to apply the each archetype to yourself. So given those four archetype archetypes, is there anything you can do right now that would let the world know about what you d'oh? So, for example, for me, as someone who was on a hair journey trying to I guess you could say look like a journey of self discovery and self love and changing my changing the, um, the beauty standards and creating my own. I was able to create a platform, right? So I was very much the curator with the blogger with the YouTube channel and sharing the creative videos online and writing really well written blogged posts online to help others experience the same self discovery support, you know, journey that I was on. Is there anything you can do right now that would let the world know what you d'oh? I don't know what that is, but I want you to think about it. What could you do that would exercise your value through service for others. OK, Another question I have for you is how are you using your strengths, your passions or your interest to help others solve a problem. One of the best ways to exercise your value and to have others recognize that value is by helping other people solve a problem. Think of everything you own. You have you buy you want. It typically supports you in being a better you in some capacity. How can you do that for someone else? So using my example, I knew that it was a challenge for me to accept myself not having a chemical relaxer. So I was very aware that this was something that other black women were experiencing too. And I knew this because going natural was something that at the time, 2010 most people didn't want to do it. They were like, Oh, hell, no. Not having your hair straight end was like asking to be made fun of teas bullied, you know, as an adult, people would judge you right back the word we use. Now we say, judge, we don't say tease bullied, right? So it wasn't something that people wanted to dio. They were very much afraid of it and insecurity would set in as well because you wanted to feel confident and beautiful in your own skin. And how could you do that if you looked away? You didn't like right? So I knew that by showcasing my experience online that I would be able to help women work through that I would be able to teach them how to care for their hair by way of my own experiences, I would show them that they can love their here and that it can be beautiful. By the way, I carried myself and my confidence and this was my service to the world to black women. Like basically saying, Listen, you're beautiful, be fearless. Yeah, I wasn't easy to cut my all my hair off and go natural, but you can do this. And if you remember an episode 49 I discussed how I took my role as the maker and the curator and I actually began hosting events, bringing the community together, saying, Hey, I know you don't have any support at home, and I know you probably don't have any support at work or your friends circle because no one else is ready to go natural with you. But here, here's a Here's a group of women that are coming out together. Spending the day together and we all have a similar experiences. Is you were all in the natural hair community. Um, we've either big chapter over. You've transitioned and we know how it feels like to be alone. So come in and let's break bread together, right? Let's have a good time together. And so I did that. So I took my strengths. Ah makes my passions and my interests, and I put those together, and I created something to help solve a problem for women. And if you wanna look present day, as many of you listening already know, I created an online school. I wanted to support black women that didn't understand how to make digital brands. They don't know how to get into it. I created a program that helps people get on the radar of brands. I made another program that helps women actually pitched brand so they can get paid. It's called the paid pitch. I made a program that supports women who don't have the financial means of buying all of my courses to be able to go through all of my courses over time for less than $50. It's called the Digital Content University. It's basically all of my courses, and you get them all over time. You don't have to pay. You know this amount for that one in that amount for this, when you just pay a small monthly fee for your membership and you get access to it. So I've created so many opportunities for black women and on a daily basis, I still continue to support them through my journey. And if you follow me on my healthy Jenelle page, I am very transparent about my weight gain, and I'd show everyone very openly how I lose the weight, answering questions every single day all day, making videos to support women and giving them an inside view of what I'm doing and showing them the hard work. So is there something you can do to help someone solve the problem? Is there something that you can do to help someone do something better or do something faster, easier, So I want you to think about exercising your value through service And that's how you're going to help have others recognize it. Because through all of the things you're doing, people will say, Oh, wow, you're doing this and you're helping me. This is important to me, and thus your value has been recognized. Okay? Now, for those of you who don't work in creative spaces per se where you're making, you know, online content and things like that, um, at your job, do you ever offer to take the lead on things? Is that something that you can do to reckon to help others recognize your value by how you step up? Do you offer to help others when they need to? Are you a great support staff? Are you a good team player? Are you someone who works efficiently so you're able to get work done quickly and people can depend on you? Are you someone who's always there when they need them so they can rely on you? You're trustworthy. You're loyal, you know, these are the things that you can do to help others recognize your value. Prior to working in digital content, I worked as a teacher and I remember one of the things that I had done in my school was I created a lesson plan template that could be shared with the entire staff. I built the lesson plan template off of the areas of our literacy program that we were being asked to teach from and in the lesson plan template, template that I had been given by the administration. It lacked the areas of this lesson plan in the book and like, there was just like it was It was very simple. Like, What are you gonna do first? What you gonna do next? What you gonna do last? What materials do you need? That was what I was given. But when I would go through this literacy lesson plan, I noticed that there was just so many areas that weren't being covered. It wasn't a 1st 2nd and then last type of book. It was a very more it was It was a much more involved lesson plan. And so I took the book and I looked at every single lesson and I realized, obviously it has the same format. There is a flow here, and I took all the steps and I recreated a lesson plan just using Microsoft Word very simple, making some boxes and putting words in them and making it so that you could lesson plan on my sheet that I made my template that would directly coincide with the with the literacy lesson plan book and any teacher that wanted it. I basically sent it as a mass email after getting approval from my my principal And we also had printed out copies so that you could have a copy. You could use it. You could xerox it, and then you would be able to use that over and over again. And it was very cohesive in that you literally would look at your lesson plan book and you could fill in what section you were gonna in the section that corresponded with that section and just fill in what you needed, what materials you needed and what you were gonna d'oh! Versus a very simple first, next and last. And that contribution helped my principal see that I was a leader in that I was willing to do something that no one else had ever attempted to D'oh! Not to say no one was doing this on their own, like in their own way. Maybe they weren't using her template. I don't know. Maybe they were just writing it down in their own lesson plan notebook. And that's how they did it following the book. I don't know, but no one had taken the initiative to actually give her this and say, Hey, I noticed that our lesson plan book follows this A specific format. I created a template that everyone can use. Okay, so it showed her leadership. It showed her innovation because I was willing to do something innovative from the old. This is what I'm gonna do first. This is what I'm going to do next. This is what I'm gonna do. Last template that they had been using. I was innovative. It also showed her that I was creative. And I'm sure it showed her that as a new teacher, I was willing to help others and not be stuck in my own little bubble in my classroom trying to figure it all out on my own. But I was confident, like I was like, Hey, this, this might be good for others. It was, It's working for me, you know, I'm helping others. So, you know, this is just another example of something that I've done that I hope you can find inspiration to show others your value to help others recognize your value. And I'm really excited about the feedback that I've gotten on these new series that I've been doing this year in 2020. If you love these new Siri's If you if you listen to my start before you're ready, Siri's If you have been listening to my cultivate your value, Siri's and you really like them, I definitely want you to let me know. So, you know, do me a solid leave me a review. Um, let me know by shouting out the episodes on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter if you're there. And I think most importantly, um, um, share it with someone, you know, share it directly with someone you know. Great. It's great to be able to say Hey, so your entire you know, Twitter fan like this is a great episode. But why don't you share it directly with your friend, your sister, your cousin, your aunt, your mom, like someone who could totally benefit from hearing this episode. All right, so just remind you I want you to download the um I want you check the show notes for anything that I said I was gonna give you. Especially if you're interested in my get on the radar prep school. I'm going to give you the application link. And if you want to get the download from about the four archetypes so you can understand the four rolls that you can take to turn your passions into a sustainable career. I'm gonna put it in this episode as well. But you should absolutely listen to Episode 49. You should. It just It would just make more sense if you listen to 49 download it, then to just listen to this and download it. Does that make sense? Okay, so, ladies, we're good, We're good, We're good. So I will be back for 1/4 episode in this theme. I wasn't sure if I was gonna do three or four, but I'm definitely gonna do 1/4 episode. So in the next podcast episode, I'm going to talk about how your value is not based on your social media following. That's gonna be a fun one. That's gonna be a fun one. Especially being me. Someone who spends most of my career on social media. What do I have to say about that? So before we go, I want to leave you with a great quote. One that I shit on Twitter because, you know, I share all my great quotes on Twitter, right? And that quote is success doesn't come from what you do. Occasionally it comes from what you do consistently. And with that, I hope you will have a great week. And as always, I love you for listening by.